About SDA


Seoul International Drama Awards is

the world's first drama award ceremony in 2005 to promote cultural exchange and for humanity through dramas.
40-60 countries from all over the continent participate every year to compete for the best drama of the year, and people in the industry and fans gather in Seoul.
  • Year
    • 2005~

      to publicize plan for set international festival only for TV dramas

    • 2006~

      to celebrate its grand opening of the 1st Seoul International Drama Awards with 105 entries from 29 countries.

    • 2008~

      to establish partnership with another international festivals concerning TV dramas

    • 2011~

      to expand the jury group and promotional events into the international area.

    • 2013~

      to live stream the awards ceremony to 130 countries simultaneously

    • 2018~

      to revise awards categories for the OTT services by reflecting the change of the media environment

    • 2022~

      to have accumulated participation in 3,523 entries from 84 countries around the world

    • 2023~

      to reopen the events for post-pandemic

    • 2025~

      New beginning for the best beyond the 20th history

  • Aim

    Amazing dramas give us great impression and comforts beyond the border, language barriers across the cultural background. This gives people power over their lives to ‘make better world together.’ Finding and introducing various dramas of world from blockbusters to the low-budget works, from epic historical dramas to the short movies, and cheering the industry to make good dramas are the goal of the Seoul International Drama Awards.

  • Overview

    • [April ~ May] Call for Entries → [June ~ August] Judging → [October] Awards Ceremony and Festival
    • Seoul, South Korea
    • Awards Ceremony, Reception Party, Drama O.S.T. Concert, Talk Concert
    • Live broadcast at a terrestrial channel
    • Online streaming at SDA youtube channel

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